48-shot course
The 48 shot match is a favourite amongst shooters. It is a fast, cheap match and a lot of fun.
Revolvers are typically in .38 caliber and have a 4 inch barrel. Autos are normally 9mm or .38 super and the barrels are normally 5 inches long. These guns are basically off the shelf, with very little modification allowed. All that is needed is a standard gun, a holster, some magazines or speed loaders and 48 rounds of ammunition.
Course of fire.
3 yds – 8 seconds – 6 shot standing without support, one-handed
7 yds – 20 seconds – 12 shots standing without support
15 yds – 20 seconds – 12 shots standing without support
25 yds – 90 seconds – 18 shots 6 shots kneeling, 6 shots standing left and right of the barricade.